From the Midewest

Destination: Anywhere, Everywhere

August 14, 2014
  • Hi! I am Jenny!

Welcome to 'Jenny Wanders'—a place where passports get stamped, horizons expand, and the spirit of adventure flourishes. I'm Jenny, your guide to a world of exploration and discovery. Here's a bit about me and what led me to a life on the move.

I'm a small-town girl with a globe-trotter's heart, born and raised in the Midwest, where my only window to the world was through the pages of travel magazines and the tales of old adventurers. My passion for travel sparked from a childhood spinning globes more than jump ropes, dreaming of the places each spin would take me.

After years of saving pennies and planning, I took the leap and booked a one-way ticket to Europe, trading cornfields for cobblestones, and I've never looked back. From the moment I sipped my first café au lait in Paris, I knew there was no turning back. Travel became my teacher, the world my classroom.

But why travel endlessly, you might ask? For me, it's about connection—connecting with people, cultures, and myself. It's about finding the universal in the unique, the familiar in the foreign, and a sense of home in every stop on the map.

Through 'Jenny Wanders,' I hope to share not just vistas and landmarks, but stories—the kind that linger long after you return home. I want this blog to be a source of inspiration and information, a community for those who hear the same distant call of the wild that I do.

As I share my journeys, I hope to ignite your own passion for travel, encourage you to take that trip you've always dreamed of, and maybe, just like me, find that the journey really is the destination.

Let's wander together.